Thursday, June 5, 2014

My Writing Process Blog Tour

I would like to thank the delightful and wise Megan Frazer Blakemore, author of The Spy Catchers of Maple Hill, for inviting me to participate in the Writing Process Blog Tour. I have the honor to know Megan through Twitter and lists; lots of lists! Her 2013 middle grade fantasy The Water Castle tends to appear on the same lists as my book Jinx. Most recently, they both appeared on the 2014-15 New Mexico Land of Enchantment list.

And now, here are my answers to the Writing Process Blog Tour questions:

1) What are you working on?

I'm sitting here waiting for the page proofs of the third and (for the nonce) final Jinx book, Jinx's Fire. They should be here very soon. And I've started drafting another middle grade fantasy. This one is set in a different world from Jinx's, and at the moment the protagonist is a girl. I'm about 12,000 words in.

2) How does your work differ from others of its genre?

I suppose anybody's work is different from anyone else's. You could take any story idea (for example: Due to a series of errors, a fieldmouse is elected President of the United States) and hand it to 100 different writers, and you'd get 100 different stories.

One characteristic of all my work is that I'm fascinated by setting. I love to explore places. Setting is nearly always a character in my stories. In the Jinx books, the setting even has a speaking part.

3) Why do you write what you do?

The desire to explore, again. Not just places, but relationships between people, and the reasons why things happen, and the unwritten rules and assumptions that we live by.

I feel lucky to be writing children's fantasy, because fantasy stays with you. When people talk about the books they remember from childhood, more often than not they talk about fantasy. There's much more children's fantasy being published now than when I was a kid, and I'm so glad to be allowed to be part of that.

4) How does your writing process work?

I spend a long time-- months, sometimes years-- letting the story come to me. While that's happening, I walk, I draw pictures, I write down bits of dialogue and ideas, and I do bubble maps. I use colored sharpies for the latter; a different color for each character or event. (I have a lot of colors.) I also use the colored sharpies on index cards, which I'll rearrange on a table or on the wall until I get the main events into a temporary order.

Then I start drafting, as fast as possible. I shoot for 10,000 words a week and usually make it.

I set the draft aside for as long as I can afford to (usually two weeks to two months). Then I come back to it with fresh eyes and begin the revision process. I usually go back and make more bubble charts at this point to resolve issues that have come up during the drafting. It'll be sometime after the third draft that I actually show the work to friends, family, or critique partners.

After that there will be several more revisions before I'm ready to send the work off, and then finally of course there are yet more revisions with the guidance of my agent or an editor.

Oops, here's the UPS guy with those page proofs for Jinx's Fire! So I'm going to finish now and hand you over to another participant in the Writing Process Blog Tour, fantasy author Sarah Prineas, who needs no introduction but is going to get one anyway.

Sarah Prineas's award-winning Magic Thief series follows the adventures of the irascible wizard Nevery and his gutterboy apprentice, Connwaer. Sarah holds a PhD in English literature and recently taught honors seminars on fantasy and science fiction literature at the University of Iowa. Her latest book is Moonkind, the conclusion to the Winterling series. Visit her website here, and watch for her Writing Process Blog Tour post on June 12th.


  1. I'm fascinated by the visual aspect of your process. I would love to see it sometime. Once we get going, it seems like we have the same approach: write quickly, wait, revise, revise, revise.

    Thanks for being my tag-ee!

    1. Oh, thanks for being my tagger! It was fun.

      Yeah, the more I write, the more I realize that the only really important thing with the first draft is that it exist. Hardly any of it will appear in the finished book, so it doesn't do to fret too much about it... just get 'er done!

      But you know that.
